A downloadable game

Only available on GameTik Studio !

✏️ CONCEPT : You have to complete a lap track to get a victory. Viewers can slow you down by triggering interactions

⚙️ FULLY CONFIGURABLE : GameTikStudio uses a webhook system for the games. It allows you to custom the game as you wish. This tool offers in-depth customization of Interactive Kart.

⚙️ FULLY AUTOMATED : After setting up your game, interactions with your spectators are managed automatically. You have nothing to do !

👀 +10 DIFFERENT INTERACTIONS : Discover all the interactions implemented in the game

📕 RESOURCE PACK : Create your overlay for your live easily with our GameTik resource pack. Including a multitude of pictures corresponding to our games, it simplifies your use of GameTik. There are also pre-made overlays for simple and efficient setup.

🤝 COMPATIBLE WITH TIKFINITY : GameTikStudio games are compatible with tikfinity. We provide you with preconfigurations to simplify your use of GameTik. Note that if you do not have TikFinity premium, we provide you with a free software to manage your interactions.

❤️ LIFE TIME ACCESS : Once purchased, you will have access to Props Avalanche and its updates for life!


❓ FAQ : 

Q/ How can I download once purchased ?

A/ You can download our launcher here

Q/ How to connect with TikTok Live ?

A/ The game work with external software like TikFinity or Live Show.

Q/ Is there a tutorial to setup the game ?

A/ Yes you can find a complete tutorial for Interactive Kart here

Q/ Will there be any updates? 

A/ Depending on community requests, there will be updates to our games

Q/ Where can I find support if something goes wrong ? 

A/ If you encounter a problem during your purchase, do not hesitate to contact us on discord : https://discord.gg/CPgawVtYU



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